Saturday, January 25, 2014

How can you change your marriage?

I have some thoughts I'd like to share today.  I will need to tag some of my thoughts with scripture and where they are found in the Bible later in an updated post.  I don't want to say anything that is from personal opinion but want to bodly speak the word of God.

Sometimes in marriage there are hiccups. And sometimes in marriage there are rough spots and difficult times.  There are days when you sit and day dream of this romantic masculine body builder who comes to sweep you away to eternal bliss.  A man who can fix all your problems and calm your every emotion.  But then reality sets in and you realize that he can't do any of these things, in fact he is just plain the opposite of how wonderful you expected him to be. Even though he is still the same man you fell in love with when you first met and married.  Even though he was the one you determined to commit your whole life to, for BETTER or for WORSE, right?
But our husbands are not perfect, nor are they God, they are simply not capable of being God.  Most often marriages crumble because they're not centered on the one thing that can keep them together, God.  We begin to pick and nit pick about everything that our husband is not.  We begin to wish for greener grass on the other side, we begin to find all HIS fault and failures and start to look at everything we don't like about him. Then we decide that because of difficulty that we should just give up?
 This is dangerous ground for a marriage, in fact it is the course set for a "D".  I hate saying that word because it is the end of all things set in holiness by God.  The result is pain and a lifetime of regret when we turn our eyes off the CENTER of our marriage, who is God.  When we turn away from picking apart our husband and all his difficulties and start praying for him, we begin to see him the way God sees him.  If your husband is putting God at the center of your marriage, too, then you have to trust that God is working on him and helping him to overcome his difficulties.  It is the Holy Spirit's job to aide him in his issues.  It is NOT our job to FIX him.  Reminder: We are not the Holy Spirit, remember?
What would we do if we only knew his thoughts of all the things he'd like to change about us?  I'm sure my husband would have some things that might get me a little upset about if I only knew his real thoughts!
Trusting God to keep a marriage strong takes lots of work and so much prayer.  We can't allow the devil to affect our thoughts with this horrible pattern, which only leads to bitterness, distrust and ultimate betrayal of the marriage union.

I spoke to someone this week who talked about how they had never shared how their marriage was rocky at one time.  How they had lost their first love for their husband and they wanted a way out.  But after much prayer, God revealed to them that HE could restore that first love in only a way she could never describe.  And the lady shared that after time God had restored a love like never before for her husband.  Despite all the difficulties, all the personality differences.  She said, he loved her through all her moods and had realized that he loved her in a way only Christ could.  She realized, after all her prayers, that God was changing HER and her attitude towards her husband.
What is it about the head of our house that we try to run over so many times, ladies?  Is it the women's movement that began an "I'm smarter than you, so move over" type mentality?  I think we know another woman who thought she knew everything, and look where it got her?  Away from God's presence and into the wilderness of pain and regret. (Eve)
God has set the man as the head of our homes and our children.  Why? Because he wanted us to know that he pattered family after how we should respect God and his authority.  So that our children will come to respect their heavenly father in a way shown by their parents, man and woman.  The family order is all messed up today in this world of pain and unforgiveness.  This is mostly the reason that children today have no security, no trust and no knowledge of their creator to feeling of a reason for living. They grow up afraid to commit to anyone or decide that marriage is meant for breaking when things get tough. They begin to see God as someone to run away from when life becomes painful, instead of turning to him for answers.
We have failed as a generation by becoming like the Israelites in the bible who stopped trusting God.  Instead they sought the easy way out of difficult times and ended up wandering for 40 years in wilderness and never saw the promised land, even after seeing the miracles, first hand! We have sought pleasure over godliness and unforgiveness and selfishness over the sanctity of a holy marriage union.  We have given the world a reason to seek love in ways God never meant for us to seek. To seek a sexual love instead of a Godly love. back to where I was going with this:
So what is my responsibility of a christian wife?  Not to cower down in thoughts of unimportance or feelings of less dignity. No, to stand tall, beside your husband and change how you think about him.  This takes more courage to let God change you into who he wants you to be as a wife.  Change how you pray for him, and most of all change your heart, to a heart of love in a way only God can show.  Ask God to restore your marriage.  Don't you know God's job is full of power to make the darkness flee.  His authority is set in motion when we pray.  His life giving hand is stretched toward our marriage and he can give all things new life, IF we only ask.

Here is the conclusion of so many doubts during our marriage that the Lord gave me today.  I don't want any idols in my mind of what I want my husband to become like, because who God gave me is all I ever need. Nothing more and nothing less.  I just need to work on being that dream wife that my husband needs so desperately, a woman after God's own heart. This is something I plan on doing for the rest of my husband's life, because life is too short to expect any more than God has expected of me. So here's the answer to this question, "How can you change your marriage?"

 By Treating your husband like he's ALL you've ever wanted will result in a husband who will BECOME all you ever need.

We need to pray something like this, " God, I need you to change me. Restore my trust in you and stand firm in knowing  that you know what you're doing.  Help me to change how I think toward my husband. Help him to be all you want him to be and in return I know he will become all I ever need.  Help me support him and stand beside him to be his help meet. Thank you for your provision in our marriage and help us to grow closer to you and seek you for all things. For we know, as a result, you will restore all things and heal our wounds. You will bring life to things that have died and will restore a life full in holy union, as only you can do. Help our children see an example in us that will help them to know who YOU are, God.  Help us to be an example of your love to the world until you return for your church and your people. Amen.
Please feel free to write your thoughts here, I'd love to read them!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Full Time Mommy Rollercoaster Ride

Before having children, I think I lived in a dream world concerning motherhood.  As I reached motherhood, I was thrown for a loop and was so discouraged from all these unrealistic expectations.  If you've never ridden on a roller coaster, then you can explain what your first ride was like, especially if you expected it to be a certain way, and to your surprise it turned out exactly the opposite.  I think I spend the first few months of mommy hood in much disarray.  I found myself depressed, not clinically depressed, but just plain exhausted in every way.  I found myself friendless, lonely & most days I sat just crying, asking God, "why?"  I can see how high my expectations were in thinking my child would be perfect in behavior and demeanor and how easy it would be to just love and care for this little miracle.  But when reality set in I found myself on the biggest roller coaster of my life.

  Not anything to compare to any job or career I had before children, this was totally new territory for me.  I only thought mommy hood should be the easiest & greatest role and job in the world.  Well, I was right about the greatest but totally off on the easiest part.  So here I am with a 6 year old and a 2 year old toddler still trying to figure things out.  So here is the best way to describe motherhood to those who have not experienced it yet, in case no one has prepared you, let me help out!
Being a full time mommy is quite a bit like riding a roller coaster. In fact the ups and downs of emotions, mental strain and physical demands can become slightly overwhelming. There are so many times in the day that, while I'm on this unending roller coaster ride, that things are actually fun and enjoyable.  Then there comes these horrible moments and seem to feel like eternity, while we're rising up to the top.  Emotions are escalating, anxiety is building and the fear of falling off the top seems almost inevitable.  You reach the top only to see the bottom of your stomach is about to fall out, so, you just close your eyes tightly, open your mouth wide and scream at the top of your lungs.  For what seems like the worst thing you've ever been through plummets your mind, heart and body into a brief relief.  Then only moments later you find yourself going at astronomical speeds as the coaster winds, tossing your body this way and that.  All amidst the struggle to control the gravity, you find yourself completely at the mercy of the ride. You find yourself unable to control anything that happens to you on this crazy, unforgettable, life altering ride. Then there comes a point in the ride that you find that you've survived. You didn't die.  You found that by letting go of keeping your feet on the platform and stepping into this coaster, actually took you places you would have never gone before.  You experienced things in your own life that you needed to let go of, some attitudes you needed to adjust, some hidden emotions you needed to release. You found yourself completely helpless and in total trust of the strength of the perfectly engineered roller coaster. For if you never let go, you would have never held on tightly.

So, it is with motherhood.  You let go of the expectations, the perfection, the control freak that you are. And you find yourself holding onto the one thing left, God.  You find that in those moments of, what seems like abandonment from the grip that total gravity control has on you. you find the arms of Christ holding you together.  Perhaps it was this very experience that let you to know your complete need for a Savior.  A need that goes beyond all comprehension until this moment.
I believe God want to reveal who he is and the best way is to allow us to go through times in life where we find who he really is.  If we don't need him in this life, then we won't want him in the next.  It's in these twists and turns of our roller coaster that we experience our inability to control life.  In a fallen and broken world, these trials of life are meant to help us discover that we need to reconnect with our maker.  We need to look for God with reckless abandon.  Leaving the cares of this life behind and completely trusting in him.  Even if life gets worse and at times frightening, we know that one day we can look forward to the time we can step off this roller coaster and into a place of no gravity.  We can say goodbye to this life and say hello to the face of Jesus.  We can look back at the ride and see that Christ redeemed us from gravity and the weight of a sinful, broken world.

I'm so glad that I can write these words after sitting on the floor outside the strong willed child's bedroom and breathe a sigh of relief with my eyes still wet from the tears shed after I've tried 50 different techniques to teach my toddler to stay in her bed and not throw fits for 2 hours.  All the while the 6 year old keeps getting up from his nap time, mouthing words of anger from refusing to take his short nap.
Today it seems I'm on a thrill ride that seems as if my kids are about to kill me on the downhill speed of 100 mph..  As my mouth is wide open and I'm screaming as the wind is pushing my face back, my kids are screaming, my chest is pounding.  An exhilarating yet profound experience. Learning each day to "let go" and learn to lean in closer to God. For in these few moments of down time I can imagine I'm riding the lazy river floaters for just a brief time, even though it appears I'm not getting off this ride anytime soon!  Maybe at the top I can get a breather! But still realize I've got to trust in my Creator, knowing he designed me for this, for motherhood.  The plan from the beginning.  To train and teach these beautiful miracles, you know that's what we say right when they're born, then shortly after wonder what alien the hospital sent us home with!
Seriously, though, to take time to focus on God, let go of too many outside commitments and just be Mommy.  To stop looking for something else to satisfy the need to be accepted elsewhere or the feeling of achievement aside from family, or the feelings of being someone important or publicly recognized.  To understand that this is YOUR purpose, this is God's will and you will finally begin to be fulfilled as you just "let go" on your roller coaster ride and let yourself live the adventure of a lifetime.  I'm preaching to the choir today as I remind myself that I have to let go, daily. We have to look past our circumstances and choose to enjoy the ride.  Allowing ourselves as women, to control our emotions by changing how we think about our circumstances.

Please feel free to write your thoughts here, I'd love to read them!

Friday, January 10, 2014

100th day of School: Homeschool Resources

We made it to 100 days of home school  bliss!  Well, not so sure about the bliss, but my son had a great expectation waiting for today.  I gave him homework the night before. His assignment was to find something in the house that would fit in a zip lock bag and was to count exactly 100 of the item. He was free to roam the house for ideas.  He did it in secret and could not wait to show me his first homework project. He hid his bag in a shoe box and brought a bag of 100 q-tips.

 We've had a countdown on the wall of our home school corner counting each day of school. This helped with his math and we followed the calendar each day to help with his anxiety over which day of the week it was.  I researched pinterest and found some great resources for free.
100th Day of School Freebie {Printables}  This freebie includes printables that can be used on the 100th Day of School.  Includes: 100 Things Bag  ...
Teachers pay is a great resource for home school teachers. I pinned it on my board if you want the link.  The whole kit was a free download and provided so much to do that we didn't get it all done today.  Of course, we could have finished if we didn't have a toddler to deal with and her little escapades today and myself getting a stress/allergy headache!
100th Day of School Freebie {Printables}  This freebie includes printables that can be used on the 100th Day of School.  Includes: 100 Things Bag  ...

Here's a sample of our Day in between toddler mayhem!

100 stickers on the 100th day hat. 10 strips of paper, 10 stickers on each.

100th day hat, fruit loop necklace and paper glasses

My son LOVES Cars and these popped up on our local online garage sale.  These were priced at 100 pennies each. He used some of his birthday money and saved several 100 pennies buying them 2nd hand.  He said he loved scratches and dents. He said it they would get scratches anyway and was thrilled to find these!

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to plan and research. I have a board on my pinterest where I post my finds so I can easily access them. Less stress for me!  Happy 100th day of teaching!  Reward yourself with some Ghiradelli Chocolate or a Nap! You deserve it!

Please feel free to write your thoughts here, I'd love to read them!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

16 Free downloads from Beth Moore, offer expires 1-10-2013

For all the Beth Moore bible study gals, here is something you don't want to miss. Beth Moore is sharing 16 of her studies/devotionals for free downloads. I love her heart of giving and her teaching/communicating abilities. I am so excited, so my post today is short and sweet, because I've got to get busy downloading while the kids are asleep! Now you have no excuse to study your bible or have an easy daily devotional available for free. Enjoy!

















Here's the links:

16 FREE eBooks from Beth MooreeChristianResourcesUPDATE (1/4): 4 MORE of Beth's eBooks are now available for KINDLE. Now ALL 16 below are free on the Kindle! UPDATE (1/3): 6 more of Beth's eBooks are now...

Beth Moore

Please feel free to write your thoughts here, I'd love to read them!