It's so funny to me how people guess what gender a baby is and if they're right they always say, "oh, I knew I was right", as if they have some sort of ESP or perhaps Superman's x-ray vision. When really there is a 50/50 chance you ARE right.
Though it has been fun with this third baby, we have a boy and a girl already, so we were happy with either. I'm a planner so I wanted to know the gender and couldn't wait until birth but still wanted it to be special.
We had our ultrasound on Tuesday and we took a box with newborn shoes for a boy or a girl. We had the technician put the right one in the box and we let the kids open it for us. There was great celebration when we opened the box. I had a suspicion it was a girl and most of my family thought it was a boy. My thoughts up until a few days before the ultrasound was that it was a boy. I prepared a few boy names, but was totally stuck without any girl names. Both the kids wanted a baby brother and especially Landon. His heart was set on a boy so he could play boy things and not get beat up by another sister. My husband was o.k. either way, of course.
We mailed out scratch off cards to family and allowed them to see first, so now without further is the news!

WAIT FOR IT...............WAIT FOR IT......
WAIT..........why is is to hard to wait in this culture?
Yes. Baby #3 is a girl. I somehow felt like it was a girl about a week before the reveal, but didn't want to set myself up for emotional disappointment. Poor Landon was just heart broken when he saw those little pink shoes in the box. He buried his head on Daddy's leg and couldn't even stand the sight of those dainty little pink things. Livia was excited because everyone was smiling and happy, so she was fine. Her greatest joy is thinking about holding the baby's hand, which she thought was going to happen Tuesday.
Our greatest joy in our marriage has been waiting on God to bless us with children. We both saved ourselves for marriage because we knew that the whole reason for the physical union was so that a man and a woman could bear children and it should not be taken lightly.
Before each child was conceived, we prayed that God would bring it to pass in his perfect timing........and each time we certainly did not have to wait long. In fact, as we prayed for this third one, we were thinking that a spring or summer baby of NEXT year would be fine, but God had other plans! Looking back we could have trusted God earlier in our marriage to bless us with children, not worrying about finances and such. If we had kept waiting on those things to work themselves out we certainly would not have any children by now. It's amazing that when we give up control to God he has the more perfect way for us and our lives. Though uncomfortable and sometimes scary through trusting him, he always brings everything for our good. He has certainly taught us to rely on him in every part of our lives.
We realize that it is a blessing and a treasure when we allow God to do things his way. When we trust and wait on him to bring his promises to pass, it is a path worth following. The journey from the beginning until birth is something only God leads you through. What a miracle and amazing joy during this time that comes from only God. Children are a heritage from the Lord and we don't take that lightly.
As I asked Scott if he knew how old he will be when he plans on retiring and he answered "55". I said, do you realize that this baby will be 15! Are you sure you've saved for retirement and 2 and 1/2 weddings, 3 colleges, 3 cars, etc? He said, "In that case, I better come up with a bigger plan and I might have to retire when I'm 65!"
Please feel free to write your thoughts here, I'd love to read them!